Entertain, fundraise, be safe

Now that you’re signed up, it’s time to start planning your event. Preparation is key, even for the seasoned streamer. Check out these key tips and make sure you set yourself up for success! 

In front of the camera

  • Avoid dead air. Have some key topics and conversation starters up your sleeve to keep things interesting. For the visuals, use our graphic overlays to break up the stream, liven up the chat and buy you time when you need a timeout! 
  • Be energetic. What you’re doing is brilliant. You’re giving your time to support people who are deafblind or living with complex disabilities. Feel good about it and have fun! 
  • Talk to your chat. It can be a lot to juggle. You’ll be running the stream and doing the activity, as well as interacting with your audience on the chat. If your activity is particularly intense, consider getting a friend or chat bot in to help out. 
  • Know your audience. Think about what people want to see and how you’re going to keep them hooked!


  • Set a fundraising target. Use your page to show supporters how much you’re hoping to raise. Keep a second ‘stretch target’ in mind too, so you can up the stakes with a new goal when you smash the first!  
  • Don’t start on zero. Get your fundraising page started by making a donation yourself or ask a friend or family member to help. This gets the ball rolling. 
  • Share your fundraising link. Use our chat commands to share the link to your fundraising page as easily as possible. The more people know what you’re doing and why, the greater success and fun you’ll have on the day. 
  • Involve your workplace. You might find that your employer offers to match your fundraising total. It’s worth spreading the word to your colleagues too, who can help your event have as much impact as possible. 
  • Say thank you! Thanking donators is rule number one of fundraising. Keep it simple by using our Sense graphics whenever someone donates to your page. Bigger donations might deserve something more, like a special shout out or thank you message. 

Check out our full guide

Chat commands:

!donate: Get involved! Make a donation to Sense and support disabled people to communicate, connect and live full lives! sense.org.uk/donate

!charity: Sense do loads of great work. They support people who are deafblind or living with complex disabilities to communicate, develop and do all the things make for a rich life. Find out more at sense.org.uk 

!volunteer: Like the sound of Sense? You know, you can volunteer to be a Virtual Buddy and give an hour a week to hang out, play games and chat away with a disabled person supported by Sense!

How to make your donation

Thank you for your support! If you used an online fundraising platform, then donations will come directly to us.  However, if you collected any money offline then here are some easy ways to get it to us:  

On our website: Go to sense.org.uk/donate and make a one-off payment using this form.

On the phone: Call our friendly supporter services team on 0300 330 9257 and they will be able to take your payment by credit or debit card.

Cheque in the post: If you have a cheque or charity voucher, please send it to us at the following address: Please include your name, address and how you’ve raised the money so that we can make sure to thank you properly.

Got a question? 
Call us for a chat on 0300 330 9257
Email us at [email protected] 

Stream it safely

  • Look after yourself. The event is about having fun – and you can only do that if you have enough rest, keep hydrated and eat when you need to.  
  • Keep your personal details safe. Whether you’re streaming or gaming online, your personal details are important. When chatting with your audience, keep information like your address, finances and employment safe. Don’t share them with anybody.  
  • Report anyone being abusive. If anyone joining your stream is acting in a threatening or intimidating way to yourself or others, it’s important you block and report them.   
  • Reputations. Remember, you’re holding your stream in aid of Sense and your content can reflect upon our charity in the eyes of your audience. To protect both yourself and us, please consider the things you say carefully. If you wouldn’t say it outside of the stream or your words could be seen as harmful to others, please stop and think twice.