Contact us

For questions about a donation, fundraising or campaigns

Need help with questions about supporting Sense? Our supporter services team can help with questions about donations, campaigns or fundraising.

For questions about getting support from Sense

Please get in touch if you’d like to speak to us about getting support from Sense.

For questions about jobs and recruitment

Find our current job vacancies. If you’re interested in becoming part of the Sense team or are a recruitment agency looking to work with us, contact our recruitment team by emailing [email protected] or calling 0121 415 6735.

If you would like our People Team to provide you with previous employment references, please email [email protected] or call 0121 415 2720.

For questions about volunteering 

 Discover our latest volunteering opportunities. Or if you have another question, email  [email protected] or call 0121 274 0430 (this number is for voicemails only, calls will be returned if a message is left).

For questions about a Sense shop

We have over 100 Sense shops across England and Wales. Find your local Sense shop and get in touch with shops directly. You can also contact our trading management team by emailing [email protected].

To make a complaint

We take complaints seriously and have dedicated processes depending on the subject of the complaint. You can make a complaint about a shop, a service or make a fundraising complaint.

Read our complaints policy.

For safeguarding concerns

Tell Sense if you are concerned about yourself or somebody else in one of our services. Raise a safeguarding issue.