How, when and why to use a form

This page describes how, when and why to use a form on the Sense website.

Forms should always be created as web forms.  

Forms provided as downloads in Word or PDF add an extra, unnecessary step for the user, and can be more difficult for people using screen readers, magnifiers or mobile phones.  

However, our key rule is this: Avoid forms whenever possible.

Many parents and carers spend hours and hours filling out forms. We do not want to add to that burden.

Quick links on this page:

Form content

Only add a question if you know:

  • That you need the information to deliver the service.
  • Why you need the information.
  • What you’ll do with it.
  • How you’ll check the information is accurate.
  • How to keep the information up to date and secure.

These questions force you to consider why you’re asking users for each item of information. Each additional question decreases the number of people that will complete the form.

Sign off

Each form needs to be signed off to ensure it meets usability and GDPR standards. To ensure sign off, each form must have:

  • The shortest number of possible fields.
  • A privacy statement.
  • An option to sign up to a regular email with a standard GDPR statement, if appropriate.
  • A thank you page or statement.
  • An email notification process.
  • A description of how the data will be securely handled.

Standard text

All forms must have standard privacy text just before the submit button:

Your privacy

We’ll keep your details safe and promise never to sell your data. Read about how we store personal information.

Standard newsletter sign-up text

Optionally, forms can offer the opportunity to sign up to a regular newsletter. This will not always be appropriate.

Keep in touch

Would you like to find out more about our work and other ways you can help, including how you can volunteer, make a donation, or support our campaigns?

x I am happy to hear from Sense by email


Confirmations appear on the same page as the form, or on a new page you choose, to confirm the form has been submitted successfully. Standard text could be:

Thank you for signing up to our programme. We’ve received your information and one of our team will be in touch shortly.

If you need anything else, you can always get in touch by phone, email, post or through a BSL interpreter.

The Sense Team