Creating and publishing video and audio content 

You should plan to create accessible video and audio content from the start of your project. The best way to do this is to include people with accessibility needs and lived experience of disabilities in the process. 

Below are some of the key things to consider. You should also visit the Web Accessibility Initiative website for detailed information on creating accessible video and audio content

Descriptive text 

  • Integrate descriptions into scripts. 

For example: instead of someone saying, “As you can see on this chart…” they would say, “The chart shows…” This should also include speaker names, titles, and e-mail addresses being read out, not just appearing on screen. 


  • Provide subtitles so that people who are Deaf and hard of hearing get a text version of the speech and non-speech audio information needed to understand the content. Subtitles should be burnt in, and consideration given to frame position when footage is shot to allow for the subtitles to be added on the bottom quarter of the frame.  


  • Provide a transcript – a text version of the speech and non-speech audio information. Ideally, make it a descriptive transcript that also includes text description of the visual information. Descriptive transcripts are required to provide video content to people who are both Deaf and blind.  

Sign language 

  • Provide sign language when your audience needs it, so that Deaf people whose native language is sign get the content in their native language. 
  • Include BSL if your content is being made for an audience for whom it is their first language.  

Selection of media players 

  • Not all media players are not accessible to people with disabilities. Always use a player developed specifically for accessibility.