Fae Kilburn 

Fae Kilburn is a Midlands based artist and arts facilitator, specialising in printmaking with a Masters in Fine Art.   

A large part of her practice is the relationship with materials and tactile nature of the different processes. Creating disability awareness through art is an important part of her practice, as is making her workshops and participatory events accessible and inclusive.  

Recently she created a large body of work ‘Perspectives’ 2022 commissioned by Creative Black Country incorporating the narrative of individuals who identify as D/deaf, Disabled, and Neurodiverse. Exploring their experiences and the barriers faced.  

She was also funded by Attenborough Arts Centre in 2021 to develop a body of work ‘Transient Moments’, a visual documentation of Fae’s transition from partial-sight to blindness as an artist, that challenges others’ understanding of sight-loss. The landscapes document the blurring of boundaries that have arisen and explore the shapes and patterns within the landscape, capturing the beauty Fae is still able to see, avoiding any notions of pity.  

Through her work Fae aims to raise awareness, challenge preconceived ideas, and highlight the stigma faced by many.  

She has exhibited regularly in the UK, and thanks to grants from Arts Council England worked internationally where she was artist in residence in Canada, this led to further residencies and exhibitions.

This page is part of a collection of artworks from disabled artists, proudly hosted by Sense.
Find out more about the collection.

Artist details

Lives: Midlands, UK

Themes: Disability Awareness, Advocacy, Sight loss 

Media: Multidisciplinary artist specialising in printmaking 

Website: www.faekilburn.co.uk