Representing Sense at Birmingham Pride

Birmingham Pride was last weekend. On Saturday, we headed down to chat to the LGBT+ community about the work we do.

We’re on a mission to make sure everyone can live with a sense of Pride, whether it’s our staff, our employees, the local community or the disabled people that we support.

When we headed down to Birmingham city centre this weekend, it was all about making sure more people knew about that mission.

Birmingham pride in big letters above a long thin flag with rainbow colours. The sun is shining.

At our stall, we had a sensory box full of things to help people understand more about their senses, and the work we do.

Group of six people in Sense t-shorts smiling behind a large table with leaflets and stickers for Pride

We chatted to loads of people all day, about what we do. People were so keen to hear about our amazing centre at TouchBase Pears, volunteering and how to become a buddy! We taught people how to finger spell the word “pride”!

Stickers with a light purple background with a painted progress pride flag with text reading "Sense of pride" over the top.

And we even had stickers to mark the occasion!

Two people in orange Sense t-shorts smiling at the camera at Birmingham Pride

This is just the start of our Pride activities at Sense – follow us on Facebook and Twitter, to stay updated with incredible stories from disabled members of the LGBT+ community.

Celebrating the LGBTQ+ community

Here at Sense, we’re all about inclusion. We’re proud to support the LGBTQ+ community this Pride Month.