Dike Okoh, a black man wearing dark sunglasses, looking serious

Black History Month is a chance to recognise the struggles and to celebrate the triumphs and achievements of black people throughout history and for us to connect to each other on a human level.

Dike Okoh, Sense arts

Black History Month stories

All through October, we’ll be sharing stories from people that work and volunteer at Sense:

What we’re doing in our workplace

In 2020, we committed to becoming an anti-racist organisation and in 2021 we launched Sense’s first equality, diversity and inclusion strategy.

As an employer, we value all elements of cultural diversity.

We’re striving for a culture where everyone at Sense can bring their whole self to work.

We’re also really proud to have a staff network for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic colleagues. This is group is led by staff and it’s a space to share ideas and worries through open dialogue. And everyone is welcome! It’s an open group and we welcome everyone to join as allies.

No one should be left out of life. We’re committed to making sure that no one is left out when they work for us, either.