Complex disabilities in Wales

Figures for complex disabilities in Wales

map of the uk with wales highlighted

There are 84,000 people with complex disabilities in Wales.

Of the 1.6 million people estimated to be living in the UK with complex disabilities, approximately 84,000 are in Wales.

Analysis suggests that the characteristics of these people are as follows.

Age groupNumber of people
0-17 years15,752
18-64 years35,402
Over 65 years34,894
SexNumber of people
Ethnic minority groupNumber of people

Where do these numbers come from?

These figures come from analysis we completed with the National Centre for Social Research. We used data from the Department for Work and Pensions Family Resources Survey, in combination with historic and future estimates of the make-up of the UK population.

Our methodology explains how we have measured complex disabilities.

Get in touch

Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions, or would like localised data for your area.