Digital development plan for 2024-25

We want to use the culture, processes, business models & technologies of the internet era to respond to people’s raised expectations. This page will be updated soon to explain how we’ll do this.

Reach: Increase prompted awareness to 36% by 2026

Integrated digital marketing and stewardship

Strategically prioritise the most valuable engagement mechanisms to cold audiences. Avoid overwhelming prospective supporters with multiple overlapping opportunities for engagement and fundraising. 

Awareness campaigns on social

Exploit awareness days, campaign themes, the brand review, DRTV ad and integrated campaign to boost cold acquisition of new supporters.

Recruit: Increase active supporters to 350,000 by 2026

Payment processes and regular donation platform 

Ensure our payment processes offer the smoothest, most intuitive journeys.​

Always-on email acquisition programme 

Build a steady pipeline of new supporters.

Content redesign and optimisation

Expand Information & Advice content and develop sensory play digital content.

Retain: Double voluntary income by 2026

Integration new CRM

Support integration of data from multiple platforms to the new CRM, increasing automation and personalisation of audience journeys.​

Email engagement programme

Review and improve email journeys to improve supporter LTV.​

Integrated service marketing and stewardship 

Ensure consistent communications to service users and build communities, reducing marketing costs and increasing opportunities to introduce engagement asks.