Sport England Funding 2023 – 2027

We’re delighted we can help 5,000 people with a complex disability lead a more active life, thanks to Sport England.

Sense wants every person with a complex disability to lead a more active life. Franklyn, for example, does inclusive climbing sessions at The Castle Climbing Centre, thanks to funding from Sport England:

Sport England’s award of £2.2million of government and National Lottery funding until 2027 gives us four focus areas:

Transformative engagement

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  • Create and support healthier and active lifestyles for people with complex disabilities.
  • Focus on more relaxed ways to be active such as Sensory Walks.

Sustain and expand participation

  • Develop the number of traditional sport and physical activity opportunities available for people with complex disabilities, like cycling or swimming
  • Scale-up and strengthen ‘Sensory Sport’ as an alternative sports delivery model and expand into other areas of the UK.

Insight and influence

graphic of someone playing football
  • Commission new research to understand the impact of sport and physical activity for people with complex disabilities.
  • Share learning with organisations across the sport and social care sectors.

Workforce and leadership

  • Create a skilled, knowledgeable sport and social care workforce supporting active lifestyles for people with complex disabilities.
  • Identify and empower disabled leaders to help shape delivery, research, and governance.

Find out more

More information about our Sense Active service, including resources for sports practitioners, coaches, teachers and support staff.

You can also get in touch with us at [email protected] to speak with our team or learn more about our programmes. 

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