Sharing Buttons Demo

Simple sharing buttons can be added where necessary to any page, the default settings are as such. Some templates already have them, so don’t add everywhere! Recommend adding after an actual piece of content users are likely to want to share, don’t expect them to share before they’ve read, or encourage this.

Custom share buttons can also be added to share a specific URL that is not the current page by changing the url, what follows is a custom Group block with a heading, some copy, a video, and a sharing buttons block set to share the video’s url, rather than the page, with the block title hidden (as we’ve added our own heading):

Learn how to sign with Sense

Some paragraph copy might go here, share with your friends to spread awareness!

If you add two URLs

If you add a url in the text, unpredictable things may happen at the social media site’s end. In this example, Twitter in testing expanded the video (second/last/specified link), but WhatsApp expands the preview for the website (first link found in text).