Make your own sound bath

Soothing sounds are all around us! In this relaxing guide, Chris Richardson shows us how to make your very own immersive sound bath using objects from around the home, from hairbrushes to cereal boxes. Join in as you watch, or sit back and enjoy the sounds produced by the session.

This guide is part of our Sense Arts, Sport & Wellbeing programme. This activity can be done at a time that suits you, either in your own space or in an educational setting.

Who is this for?

This is a workshop for people who are deafblind or have complex disabilities and can be enjoyed by anyone.

Why does this make a difference?

This is a sensory activity that supports wellbeing and relaxation, helping people learn by engaging with their surroundings through senses, sound and music.

What happens in the video?

Step 1

Follow the instructions to listen to the sounds that are all around you. Then try using your fingers to tap on your palms closer or further away from your ears to explore the different noises, exploring your spatial awareness.

Step 2

Try using different things around the house to make your sensory sound bath, like a hairbrush, a shaker box filled with rice, a box of cereal, containers filled with liquid, bubblewrap, paper tearing, or cardboard.

Step 3

Try humming and using your voice to make new sounds by following along with the video.

This activity was created by the artist Chris Richardson.