
  • Making Sounds at Home: Fizzy pop drum kit

    Create a set of drums using clingfilm and fizzy pop! This is one of the sessions in a series ‘Making Sounds at Home’ by Tom Peel. 

  • How to make a hand rattle drum

    Want to make a homemade hand rattle drum? All you need is the discarded tube from the inside of a packing tape roll and a few other bits and bobs to build your own musical instrument.

  • Painting with sound using Spectrogram

    A fun, unique music and sound session that uses your webcam to turn household noises into colourful digital art using Google's Spectrogram engine.

  • Making Sounds at Home: Tube guitar

    Try this simple, effective activity to make your own instrument using simple household items, which you can play and twang after! This guide is…

  • Online sound bath

    Enjoy this deep relaxation session with lots of sensory sounds and breathing exercises.

  • Online sound bath 2

    Listen to the soothing sounds of musical instruments like Tibetan singing bowls and Baoding balls, and get carried away into a world of relaxation and calm.