Online sound bath 2

Listen to the soothing sounds of musical instruments like Tibetan singing bowls and Baoding balls, and get carried away into a world of relaxation and calm.

You can wear headphones for this session if you would like to make it even more immersive.

This guide is part of our Sense Arts, Sport & Wellbeing programme. This activity can be done at a time that suits you, either in your own space or in an educational setting.

Who is this for?

This is a workshop for people who are deafblind or have complex disabilities and can be enjoyed by anyone.

Why does this make a difference?

This is a sensory activity that supports wellbeing and relaxation, helping people learn by engaging with their surroundings through senses, sound and music.

What happens in the video?

Step 1

Listen to the soothing sounds in the video, and if you like, use your own instruments or voice to join in.

Step 2

Follow along with Chris’s instructions and allow yourself to get lost in the meditation.

This activity was created by the artist Chris Richardson.