Virtual Yoga
A virtual Yoga session delivered in the comfort of your own home by a qualified Yoga practitioner. Yoga has many wellbeing benefits to children and young people including calming, relaxation and self awareness, as well as physical benefits including flexibility, strength and building of muscle tone. The group takes place weekly on Mondays during school term time.
What does the session involve?
The session will include breathing exercises, stretches and relaxation techniques. The leader will advise on how to adapt any poses or exercises to the abilities of your child.
Who's it for?
The group is for children and young people who are Deafblind/Multi-sensory impaired or who have a vision or hearing impairment and additional needs, aged 0-25years.
When are the sessions?
Mondays 1-2pm during term time.
About our activity leader
Our group is led by qualified Yoga for the Special Child Practitioner Jacob, who is experienced in teaching yoga to children and young people with complex disabilities including deafblindness/multi-sensory impairment. A member of the Children's MSI team will welcome you and Jacob will lead the activity.
For more information
For more information about the Children's MSI Service please visit
If you have any questions about the group you can email us at [email protected]