Virtual After-School Club Autumn Term 2024
Virtual after-school club offers a range of activities such as make and create, sensory forest school, baking, music and movement, and resonance board sessions. We offer a different topic each week to showcase a variety of activities that will stimulate the senses and ensure attendees have a fun and engaging session using items you will have in your home.
Who's it for?
The group is for children and young people who are Deafblind/Multi-sensory impaired or who have a vision or hearing impairment and additional needs, aged 0-25years.
When is it?
Tuesdays 5-6pm during school term times.
About our activity leaders
Our group will be led by a different member each week, who will ensure that activity is suitable for your child and that the session is fun and engaging for all. We also invite guest facilitators regularly to provide additional sessions.
For more information
For more information about the Children's MSI Service please visit
If you have any questions about the group you can email us at [email protected]