Specialist Early Years Group - Loughborough
A specialist early years group delivered in our Sense Hub - Loughborough, providing activities and opportunities to develop play and communication skills. Our group takes place fortnightly during school term time.
What does the session involve?
Our MSI Practitioner will introduce a range of activities and songs in a familiar routine that encourage body awareness, cause and effect, introduction to signs and actions.
Who's it for?
The group is for children who are Deafblind/Multi-sensory impaired or have either a vision or hearing impairment and additional needs, aged 0-5 years.
When does it take place?
Fortnightly during term time, on Wednesdays 1pm-2.30pm.
About the venue
Sense Hub Loughborough has a dedicated children’s room with purpose-built equipment where our groups takes place. The site has an accessible toilet and changing suite on the ground floor and lift access. There is limited disabled parking, further blue badge parking is available in surrounding streets. Please ensure you check signage as there are time limits for parking.
About our activity leader
Our group is led by our MSI Practitioner Karine who is part of the Children's MSI Service. She will welcome you and your child to our session and will guide you through each part of the activities, and most of all will ensure you have fun.
For more information
For more information about the Children's MSI Service please visit https://www.sense.org.uk/our-services/support-for-children/help-from-msi-specialists/
If you have any questions about the group you can email us at [email protected]