An Introduction to Makaton | Selly Oak

Are you interested in learning more about Makaton? Join us for an introductory workshop to discover what Makaton is, how it's used, who uses it, and whether it might be  right for you. You'll also have the opportunity to learn around 50 signs and symbols too, so you can start using it in your own routines straight away!

Makaton is a unique communication programme that uses symbols, signs and speech to support and enhance communication by providing a visual and gestural representation of language. Makaton can reduce the frustration that is often experienced when facing communication challenges and is an effective tool to enable your child to connect with others and the world around them, as well as increasing access to education, training and public information.  It is a great way to support your child's development, improving communication skills such as attention and listening, comprehension, memory, recall and organisation of language and expression.

How to Join

The workshop is for families registered with Connect and Play and is specifically for parents/carers. Spaces must be booked in advance. More than one parent/carer for the child registered with Connect and Play can attend but please book a separate space for each individual attending.
