Student agreement

Please complete as much information as you can. If you are completing this form on behalf of the applicant, please complete and sign the declaration.

Student commitment

I agree to follow these rules when I am at College:

  • Go to all sessions on timetable. If going to be late, I will let the centre know.
  • Follow the ICT rules as given in the Acceptable Use Agreement & e-Safety Policy.
  • Not to use mobile phones in learning areas or sessions.
  • Talk to my Education Coordinator / SEND Tutor about how I’m doing at College
  • Talk to my Education Transitions Advisor about my future after college.
  • If I borrow anything, make sure it is brought back in time.
  • If I am unhappy about something, I will tell staff.
  • I will wear protective clothing if required to do so.
  • I will follow staff instructions when doing activities
  • I will behave responsibly in line with any Positive Behaviour Support Plan I may have in place. This means:
  1. Be polite to staff and other students
  2. No bullying or harassing others
  3. Concentrate on learning
  4. Be aware of own safety
  5. Be aware of the safety of others

Signature and agreement

Agreement to follow these rules when I am at College:(Required)
The box must be ticket to finish this form.
if you are an advocate of the student, specify name and relationship to student

College commitment

Sense College East Agreement for ESFA Students

The college will:

  • Safeguard all students
  • Provide you with an induction plan/programme
  • Provide you with your timetable, study programme summary and course overview after your baseline assessments have been completed
  • Administer medication, when applicable, in accordance with our medication policy and procedures
  • Provide physiotherapy set exercise support as set by a qualified practitioner, when applicable, subject to requirements and funding
  • Ensure you have a named Education Coordinator/SEND Tutor to support you through your programme
  • Provide qualified and/or experienced staff who will attend sessions on time
  • Provide you with access to student services, advice, guidance, career and transition planning
  • Provide you with evidence of your progress and achievements
  • Provide you with opportunities to express your opinion about the service we provide and report back to you the action taken on your suggestions and concerns


a signature

Jenny Wheatcroft, Principal