Government’s disability action plan is ambitious, but ‘proof will be in the pudding’
5 February 2024 – The government’s Disability Action Plan, which aims to make ‘the UK the most accessible place in the world’, has been published.
Richard Kramer, Chief Executive of the national disability charity Sense, said:
“While it’s a relief to see Government has listened to the feedback on its Disability Action Plan and created more ambitious proposals than previously published, the proof, as always, will be in the pudding. Government has set itself six and twelve-month reporting milestones, and Sense will be monitoring these carefully to see if the plan turns into actions.
“The plan contains many positive proposals including the commitments to measure the effectiveness of policies for disabled people and to ensure British Sign Language interpretation for Downing Street briefings. But we also know from our research that the issues that matter the most to disabled people include pressures from the increasing cost of living, challenges with the benefits system and the ongoing social care crisis. These require long-term solutions to create a just society for disabled people. In a year where we will be heading to the polls, we hope to see all parties commit to creating the bold changes disabled people desperately need.”
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