Inclusive tai chi

This inclusive tai chi lesson explores balance and breathing, and uses flowing movements to help you feel more calm and relaxed. It can be done seated or standing. Remember to take things at your own speed, and rest whenever you need to. 

A young girl putting her hand on her shoulder

This guide is part of our Sense Arts, Sport & Wellbeing programme. This activity can be done at a time that suits you, either in your own space or in an educational setting.

Who is this for?

This is a workshop for people who are deafblind or have complex disabilities and can be enjoyed by anyone.

Why does this make a difference?

This is a wellbeing activity that helps people use their senses to connect with their surroundings, exploring touch by exploring mindfulness, relaxation and movements, supporting self-expression, individuality and understanding.

What happens in the video?

Step 1

Before you get started, make sure you have a clear space around you, a chair nearby, a glass of water and remember to take breaks if you need.

Step 2

Follow the teacher’s movements, warming up your arms, moving an imaginary ball around, and following neck stretches. Relax and mobilise your shoulders and upper back, and then your hands, fingers and wrists.

Step 3

Now work into your lower back and waist with some twists, before moving onto some leg circles to bring flexibility to your foot, ankle and hip, wiggling your toes to improve circulation.

Step 4

Follow the breathing exercising, making fists with your hands and pressing them together as you move them up and down in time with your lungs. Move your arms up and over your head alternately, blocking and pushing, changing sides when the teacher says, syncing with your breath.

Step 5

Now begin pushing and blocking towards the front before returning to the imaginary ball. Hold it in front, and keep your arms straight while looking forwards, then move to hold it on different sides. Swing your arms to loosen up again.

Step 6

Take a quick break and have a drink of water.

Step 7

Warm-up for the second half by doing some karate punches with the teacher. After this, interlink your hands and bring them up to your face, then as you breathe out, push them down. Watch the teacher.

Step 8

Follow through with the rest of the upper body movements, moving your arms and shoulders gently and with control, always while keeping in time with your breathing.

Step 9

Wind down with some deep breathing, and some dynamic arm and shoulder stretch.

This activity was created by Tai Chi instructor Miz Rahman.