Parallel Windsor 2024

Windsor Great Park
7 July 2024
Registration fee:
From £20
Fundraising target:
Raise what you can!
Sign up now!

All about Parallel Windsor

Parallel Windsor is the UK’s national celebration of disability inclusion & wellbeing. This award-winning event features a family Festival of Inclusivity and a series of challenge events, all set against the stunning backdrop of the Windsor Great Park.

There are a range of fully accessible challenge events on offer for everybody; welcoming all ages, health conditions and abilities and the fully accessible Festival of Inclusivity provides lots of inclusive fun & entertainment for the whole family.

Challenge Events:

  • 10KM
  • 5KM
  • 1KM
  • 100M
  • SuperSensory 1KM – A chance to exercise your senses over a series of challenges such as responding to sound, taste and touch!

‘Start Together, Finish Whenever’

You can walk, run or push – everybody can take part together in the challenge events, regardless of age or ability.

There are no cut-off times and mobility aids are welcomed!

  • Circle with paintbrush coins

    Registration includes a choice of 1 challenge event per participant

  • White paintbrush marks of two people with orange background

    You can register for up to 2 carer tickets per participant. Let us know if you require any additional carer tickets

  • Paint mark illustration of two people high fiving

    We’re here to support you if you do wish to fundraise for your challenge!

Festival of Inclusivity

Participants and Carers taking part in any of the challenge events will receive free entry into the inclusive family festival with music performances, a charity village, interactive games and sports, arts and crafts, story-telling, skills and careers and food and drink from around the world.

If you’d like to purchase additional ‘Festival Only’ tickets for friends and family or would like to enquire about parking, you can get in touch with the team on [email protected].

What you’ll get for being part of Team Sense

  • Entry to the Festival of Inclusivity.
  • A Sense running vest to wear with pride on your big day.
  • Your own Parallel medal, t-shirt and goody bag.
  • Cheering t-shirts for your family and friends.
  • Expert fundraising and training advice available.

Your fundraising ensures no one is left out of life

Our #TeamSense fundraisers are key in helping us reach our ambitious goal to support 50,000 people over the next 5 years.

  • £135 could pay for a family to make memories on a Sense Family Day.
  • £500 could pay for a child who is deafblind to have a visit from a Sense specialist teacher, including an assessment and expert advice.
  • £725 could provide our core package of support for a family for a whole year!

Got questions? 

Our friendly team would be happy to help. Get in touch with the team by emailing [email protected].

Sign up today

Sign up for Parallel Windsor today and be a part of Team Sense! Parallel is a disability lifestyle event with purpose and an attitude of no limits living.