How to play bean bag dash

You can play this fun, group sport as a team or even just one-on-one, where the first to get 10 beanbags on their chair wins!

This guide is part of our Sense Arts, Sport & Wellbeing programme. This activity can be done at a time that suits you, either in your own space or in an educational setting.

Who is this for?

This is a sports activity for people or groups of people who are deafblind or have complex disabilities, and can be enjoyed by anyone.

Why does this make a difference?

This activity supports social inclusion and getting active, helping build confidence and independence through learning new skills and making friends.

A man in a red teeshirt in a gymnasium space throwing a ball

How to play

What you’ll need

  • A big pile of hand-held beanbags or similar soft, sensory items
  • Chairs

How to set up

  • Divide the groups into teams
  • Have each team place their team’s chair next to them
  • Each team also places their own pile of beanbags about 10 meters away

Playing the game

  • When the leader shouts ‘Go!’, one player from each team must go and collect a beanbag from their pile as fast as they can, bringing it back and placing it on their team’s chair.
  • The first team to reach 10 bean bags on their chair wins!

Other ways to play

  • Increase or decrease the distance
  • Add obstacles to navigate around
  • Change the number of bean bags