Accessibility matters to us

Our goal at Sense is to be inclusive and accessible so that we can support as many people as possible.  

We’ve put a lot of time and thought into developing our website. We want it to be a resource for disabled people and their loved ones in the UK and beyond.  

So, we worked with disabled people and parents of disabled children to test our website. This helped us ensure that our content is accessible and easy to find. Their input has informed the design, content and development of the site. 

And we’d love to hear from you. If you have suggestions to make our website and other digital content more inclusive and accessible please get in touch: digital

How the website looks and works 

We have tried to make our website’s layout, colours, images and content as accessible as possible.  

We have removed inaccessible documents from the website and we avoid using document types (such as PDFs) that can causes accessibility issues. Sometimes we have to use these documents, for example where we have a legal obligation to publish information in a certain way. 

  • For photographs and videos, we use image descriptions, alt text and captions as appropriate.  
  • And we make sure we’re meeting industry best-practice guidelines for website accessibility. 
  • We’ve also tested that our website also works with screen readers and speech recognition tools. 
  • You can also adapt the website to use larger text and higher contrast colours through your browser or operating system. 
  • If you need help to adapt the website to meet your needs or preferences, you can follow AbilityNet’s accessibility guidelines.  

How are we doing? 

Sense is a big organisation and we have a large, complicated website! There may be times where we get it wrong, or things get missed. If that happens we want to fix it, so please let us know about your experience.  

We want to learn and improve, and would love to know how you find the website: 

  • Does it meet your needs and expectations? 
  • Are there other topics we should be covering? 
  • Have we got anything wrong? Please let us know. 
  • Do you have suggestions for how we could improve our digital communications and information? 

If you can’t find what you’re seeking, our content isn’t as accessible as it could be, or you have suggestions for how we can improve how we communicate, please contact our digital team: [email protected]